3 Very powerful ways to stay positive despite everything


Life constantly tests you. Be it the stress of work for that project to be delivered, a family problem still unsolved, the hectic pace of life among children, the discussion with your half-finished partner or all those dreams and personal goals that you still have to meet.

It is difficult not to demotivate in the face of so much chaos. If it’s not work, it’s your parents, if it’s not your parents, it’s you, if it’s not you, and it’s your partner. You can’t afford to get out of your way every two times because you won’t get anywhere – at least not the one you aspired to get – and, on top of that, you’ll feel very unhappy every time you do.

“Life doesn’t get easier. It’s you who gets stronger”

I have developed a very simple 3-step routine to always stay positive despite the adversities or problems that appear in my day to day. It has taught me not only to understand problems more, but to manage them in such a way that they do not affect my happiness and personal development:

1. be grateful

Start every morning writing about what you are grateful for. You can start writing only 3 things. No matter how difficult your circumstances are, there is always something for which you are grateful. Pay attention.

In addition, scientific studies show that grateful people are happier and healthier (link to the study at the end of the post).

2. Praise others

The best way to forget your own problems is to be kind to others. When you feel stressed or overwhelmed, send a message to a best friend or someone close by letting you know how much it means to you. Leave a cheerful note on your partner’s desk or send a loving photo to your partner letting him know how much he gives you.

Helping others is the key to being happier. And this has also been demonstrated by science (link to the study at the end of the post).

3. Count your victories

Finish every night writing down your achievements of the day. When I had a hard trauma in my family, the simple act of making my mother smile was already a miracle for me. Focusing on the small achievements of each day helped me to stay strong during the long process we lived. There is no better way to fall asleep than to be remembering everything that went well that day.

Attitude is everything.

And it is that life does not become easier as we live it, it is we who become stronger. Staying positive is the way you can maintain a resilient mindset that will make you overcome all the challenges life has for you.


  1. […] Self-care is another good tip to move on from a relationship as this also distracts your mind. Grooming yourself can help you feel happy and confident about yourself. Another alternative to help you distract your mind is music, making you feel happy or gives positive vibes. Here are a few tips to stay positive despite everything https://uselesstips.com/3-very-powerful-ways-to-stay-positive-despite-everything/ […]


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