You can always smell good if you keep me these 9 secrets


Did you know that smell plays an important role in romantic attraction?

But not only this, it has been proven that the smell is a powerful trigger of memories associated with each of the fragrances, and that this happens regardless of our willingness to remember something.

Although humans are not as sensitive to odors as other mammals (we are atrophying ourselves), our body is able to know aspects of other people such as their identity, their emotional state or other aspects of their psychology from these “traces” that we are leaving by air.

So if you want the rest of humans (and species) to have a good memory of you, I’m going to tell you 9 secrets so that your smell is SUBLIME

Secret 1: Maintaining a body cleansing habit is essential

This is a very important point, because no matter how much deodorant or perfume you apply, if the base does not smell clean, we are going wrong! And we mean both hair and skin.

There is no exact frequency to shower or wash our hair, but everyone should be aware when they need it and fix it.

Secret 2: Hydrate your skin every day

This is a very, very important point. If your skin is dry, the moment you apply the perfume, it will absorb much of the aroma, making the smell disappear much sooner. Hydrated skin helps the fragrance adhere more and better to your skin. 

Secret 3: Add layers, layers and layers of different odors

Surely you’ve ever heard that “the more sugar, sweeter” because the same happens with aromas.

If before applying your perfume you use a good shower gel + shampoo + hair mask + scrub aroma + shower oils + moisturizer (+ your own body scent, obviously) all of them together create layers of fragrance that stick to you , all day.

Secret 4. The best time to apply your perfume is with wet skin

When you get out of the shower (and you have put on your body cream) perfume yourself! Taking advantage of the fact that your skin is still a little wet, this will help block the smell, as well as avoid staining your clothes.

Secret 5. And the perfect place to put the perfume on is…

Forget about the wrists and neck as sure you always do! Let’s see, you don’t have to forget about them, but there are better places, like the following: behind the ears, behind the knees, in the bend of the elbow (where the arm is folded) and in the chest.

Although the best place, and this is a great secret that I am going to tell you, is in the navel area. It doesn’t matter if you wear a lot of clothes on top of it, when you perfume your belly button, you are giving wings to the fragrance. This is because body heat helps develop the smell so that all the notes of your perfume can be appreciated.

Secret 6. Don’t rub!

Although it is a reflex act as soon as you apply the perfume, do not do it again. By doing this you are getting the aroma of the perfume “to break” and last much less time. 

Secret 7. Not all aromas endure the same

Each fragrance has a different base and therefore its durability also depends on this. For example, citrus, green or aquatic fragrances will dissipate before woody, Cyprus or oriental fragrances.

Secret 8. The best place to store your perfume is NOT the bathroom

Never leave it again in the bathroom, the humidity that is concentrated in it, the heat, plus the body odors that we give off in the bathroom and the light all the time … they do nothing good to your perfume.

The perfect place to store it would be in a cool and dry place in your home, such as in your t-shirt drawer, underwear or dresser where you store your makeup.

Secret 9. Apply the perfume more than once a day

You can carry a small bottle in the perfume bag and remember the smell from time to time in areas such as the back of the ears or drop a droplet down the neckline.

The amount of perfume you apply depends on both your body odor, and the power of your perfume. So you must be the one to decide when it is enough.

Other tips to have a good body odor ALWAYS

  1. Wash your clothes frequently
  2. Put some type of clothes freshener in your closet or just a bag with herbs between your clothes
  3. Don’t put your shoes in the same closet as your clothes
  4. Always have a hand gel sanitizer nearby
  5. Carry chewing gum and mint pills in your bag or car
  6. Do not go over the deodorant or choose one that has no smell
  7. (FOR WOMEN ONLY)When you are in your period, change your clothes and towels more frequently

I hope you put them to the test, because as soon as you do, you will see that not only do you smell better, but that your life will be better, everything will flow and there will be more harmony.



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