Tips to prevent osteoporosis


How to avoid osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a bone disease that results in a very high fragility of the bones due to a decrease in bone tissue density, this implies an increased risk of suffering bills.

It is a very common pathology in women but it can also be suffered by men, especially in old age.

To prevent osteoporosis it is recommended:


Meeting daily calcium needs can help keep the calcium they already have in your bones.

Adults need 1,000 mg of calcium per day (1200 mg if they are over 50 years of age).

If you choose to take calcium supplements:

  • You should not take more than 500mgat one time to achieve optimal absorption,
  • You have to take them with vitamin D
  • Do not mix them with iron-rich foods or iron supplements.

Vitamin D

It is responsible for maintaining optimal levels of calcium and phosphorus in the blood.

Taking 2000UI / day is considered safe for most adults, but you should consult a doctor before starting a regimen.


Phosphorus and calcium are linked together to constitute the structural component of bone, so an equilibrium between these nutrients is essential for proper bone mineralization.

The recommended consumption of phosphorus in healthy adults is 700 mg. However, most normal diets contain more than enough phosphorus, since it is present in numerous foods.


An inadequate intake of magnesium can contribute to calcium deficiency and resistance to the effects of vitamin D and hormones bone formation.

Men and women need 400 mg and 310 mg, respectively, up to 30 years of age; and 420mg and 320mg, respectively, thereafter.

Whole grains, nuts, seeds, beans, fish, green leafy vegetables and cocoa powder are some of the richest magnesium foods.

However, care must be taken not to exceed the recommended amounts in supplement form, as it may have an unpleasant laxative effect. The maximum dose of magnesium that should be taken in the form of supplements is 350 mg, while there is no limit amount if obtained from food.

Vitamin K

Vitamin K participates in the maintenance of adequate levels of calcium in the blood, limiting the excretion of calcium and other bone precursors in the urine, and acting in support of bone formation proteins.

Vitamin K is found in green leafy vegetables, such as kale, cabbage and spinach; in vegetables such as broccoli, green beans and Brussels sprouts; in cranberry juice, avocado, green tea and cheese, but it also occurs naturally in the colon thanks to some beneficial bacteria that reside in it.

If antibiotics, anticoagulant medications or high doses of vitamins A or E are not taken, then the chances of this vitamin are most simply met by diet (90 mg / day for women and 120 mg / day for men)).


Bones are living tissues, and like muscles, they need regular exercise to improve their resistance.

Try to do 30 to 40 minutes of exercise with weights at least 4 days per week.



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