10 things your boyfriend should never wear


Guys, we love you, and it’s really not about getting me where they don’t call me, but sometimes in fashion, you should let us advise you a little more for us.

10 things a man should never wear

I am very sorry that you have to carry all your belongings in your pockets, but carrying a bag is not an option. There is still something to invent, look where!

There are only two places in the world where a man can use flip-flops, to go to the beach or to shower in the gym. Point. (My office colleagues are going to look at me badly …)

Short sleeve shirts
Sorry, it’s something that I still haven’t gotten over.
Short sleeve shirts are neither to fix you, nor to go casual, they are the middle ground of something undefined. If you want to be fixed, put on a long-sleeved shirt, if you want to go casual, put on a polo or a T-shirt…

I must say that I love sweatshirts, and I am not at all against using them for running or for an afternoon of informal walking that you don’t want to think about, but every day you have to eat your head a little more!

I have not seen in my life a man, other than Johnny Deep, who looks good on a necklace. So if you’re not the aforementioned boy, forget about them!

Wide dress suit
there is nothing sexier than seeing a well-groomed boy, with his suit perfectly fitted. A wide suit will only bring you sight pain.

Dropped pants
Is there something uglier than pants without any form, which seems to be fighting the force of gravity, so that they remain in place? NOOOO

Ok, if there is something I really hate, it is the vests. They neither favor, nor are they in fashion, nor should they ever have existed. Forget them.

The theme of the rings is something quite complex … because it is not a matter of better or worse, is it simply that a man with rings? Seriously? Are you the Godfather? Pope?

unless you are a rough country man, and you love cutting wood with your super ax, it is strictly forbidden to use a monkey.

Do you use any of the above mentioned daily? Do you think you can wear some of the above and that it suits you? Let’s prove it!!!


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