10 basic tips to save money


To propose to save is one thing and get to save another very different, but it is possible if you follow the advice we propose.

1. Spend less

It seems obvious but it is essential if we really want to save money in the long term and be able to save money on a daily basis.

On the other hand look for ways to save, daily, monthly, annually…

2. Establish a personal budget

We will not be able to save money until we know how much money we enter and how much money we spend.   Write down everything and once analyzed that, we can identify the areas in which we can save.  

3. Buy food in bulk and white marks

Spending on food, especially if you have a family, can go off if we don’t buy in a planned way.

Plan your menus in advance and buy in bulk whenever you can. We can also save money by cooking in large quantities.

Be sure to use food and not let it spoil; we will not save money if we have to throw away part of what we buy.

Buy generic or white markings whenever possible. Avoid prepared meals because they are always much more expensive than the generic ingredients needed to prepare such food.

4. Make sure an offer is an offer

Investigate prices before making any purchase.

We must ensure that the offer is actually an offer and not a creative marketing strategy of the store to encourage us to spend money without thinking.

5. Buy used

Normally cars lose a third of their value in the first 24 months after the date of purchase. So, why not buy a car that is 24 months old?

Find a way to buy items “as good as new” and save money. Some typical products that we can buy used to save money are: cars, clothes, electrical appliances, garden items, tools and sheds, household items…

6. Don’t accumulate too much debt

Certain indebtedness may be necessary in our lives. We may need a mortgage to buy a home or use our credit card to buy, but our goal if we want to save money should be to reduce the debt to the minimum possible.

It is very important to pay the outstanding balance of our credit card every month. If we are disciplined in this, we will save a lot of money by not having debt and, therefore, not having to pay interest on it.

7. Try to save money every month

It is convenient to acquire the habit of adding an amount every week or month (however small) to our savings.

8. Buy cunningly

Take into account markets, supermarkets, farmers markets and local stores. It is worth checking different sites to see if we can save money.

9. Eat at home or spend less eating out

A cup of coffee away from home can easily cost twenty times (or more) what it would cost to prepare it at home. The same happens with food. Why not wait to get home and enjoy a more nutritious meal while saving money?

If you have to eat outside try to prepare meals in advance, if you cannot bring prepared food to your work you do not always have to eat from a menu in a bar, plan your meals, eat breakfast and dinner well at home and eat something light like a salad or a sandwich at noon that is cheaper.

It also controls departures to restaurants and coffee shops on weekends.

10. Use less electrical appliances and save on energy

Turn the heating thermostat down and put on extra clothes when it’s cold. Turn off the lights, the TV and the computer when we are not using them.

These energy savings allow you to save money and are helping you take care of our planet.

We hope you find some of our advice, if you have any tips or tricks to save, you can leave us a comment and share it with us


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