10 natural remedies to improve eyesight


How to improve eyesight naturally?

Surely you have heard that said that if you eat a lot of carrots you will have a better view, but what is true in this?

The lack of vision usually associated mainly to nearsightedness and farsightedness. Factors such as genetics, poor nutrition, aging and excessive tension contribute to the development of these conditions.

The most common symptoms behind a lack of vision are manifested in the form of frequent headaches, blurred vision and watery eyes.

The lack of vision as a rule is usually corrected with prescription glasses, glasses or even surgery, but we are going to tell you some natural remedies that can help you improve your vision.

10 home remedies to improve eyesight  

1. Eye exercises

Doing regular eye exercises also helps fight eye strain and improves concentration.

  • Exercise 1

Grab a pencil with your arm extended in front of you. Gradually see the pencil moving towards and away from your nose without looking away from it. Repeat this exercise about 10 times a day.

  • Exercise 2

Move the eyes in circles following the clockwise direction for a few seconds. Then do the same but in the opposite direction. Repeat the exercise about 4 or 5 times, closing your eyes between each exercise.

  • Exercise 3

Focus the vision on a distant object for a while. For example, look at the horizon for 3-5 minutes a day.

2. Sunbathing and palming (cover the eyes with the palms of the hands)

Both practices are beneficial to our eyes, as they help reactivate and flex the lenses and ciliary muscles.

According to Chinese culture, the sun provides us with vital energy that helps us maintain the health of our eyes and body in general.

The “palming “promotes relaxation and sense of wellbeing.

How to do eye palming?

With our eyes closed we will look in the direction of the sun and take a deep breath. We can do this 1-2 times a day.

To do the palming, we will rub both palms of our hands to generate heat, and then we will place the palms on our closed eyes and without exerting pressure.

We must make sure that we have covered our eyes completely with our hands, so that no light enters. This exercise can be done several times a day in the form of meditation.

3. Acupuncture / acupressure 

According to traditional Chinese medicine, eye problems and diseases are often related to the health of the liver and kidneys.

The idea is to massage the pressure points around the orbits of the eyes. We must do it delicately and for about 10 seconds.

Start at point # 1 (in the image), and go up by massaging each point in numerical order. We can do this exercise several times a day.

(Note: If you are pregnant, better consult with a specialized acupuncturist before starting this therapy. Also do not massage areas with scars, burns and infections).

 4. Ginkgo biloba (or tree of 40 shields)

The ginkgo biloba improves circulation and ocular blood flow. In addition to improving vision, it protects against problems such as glaucoma and macular degeneration.

It is also known for its ability to relieve anxiety, improve memory and improve the ability to think (especially in people suffering from dementia and / or Alzheimer’s).

  • Take 120 mg of standardized ginkgo biloba capsules daily, divided into 2 or 3 doses.

(Note: This herb should not be taken by children. People suffering from diabetes should also not take it without first checking with their doctor).

5. Blueberries

The blueberries are another popular food in vision and eye health is concerned.

They can help improve our night vision as it stimulates the regeneration of the visible component of the retina. resumes macular degeneration, the appearance of glaucoma and cataracts.

It is also good for retinal problems associated with diabetes and high blood pressure, thanks to its high concentration of a chemical compound called anthocyanin, which is a potent antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Take half a glass of ripe blueberries daily.
  • You can also take cranberry supplements. Generally, it would be advisable to take 160 mg of blueberry extract (with 25% anthocyanin) 2 times a day, several times a week (not every day).

(Note: This food may interact with other herbs and medications, therefore, it is worth consulting the doctor before taking it)

6. Almonds

The almonds are great to improve eyesight because they are rich in omega-3 (fatty acid), vitamin E and antioxidants. They also help improve memory and concentration.

  1. Dip about 5-10 almonds in water overnight.
  2. The morning of the next day, peel the skin and grind the almonds
  3. Consume this pasta with a glass of hot milk.
  4. Do this daily for 1 or 2 months.

7. Fennel

The fennel helps to improve eyesight because it contains nutrients and antioxidants that promote good eye health, in addition to brake or slow down the progression of possible falls

The Romans used to call fennel “the herb of vision.”

  1. Add a glass of almonds, one of fennel and one of sugar in a blender.
  2. Crush the ingredients until a kind of powder mixture is achieved.
  3. Before going to sleep, take a tablespoon of this mixture, followed by a glass of hot milk.
  4. Do this daily for at least 1 or 2 months.

8. Wild asparagus (or Shatavari)

The wild asparagus, also known as shatavari are another excellent home remedy to improve eyesight.

According to traditional Indian medicine (known as Ayurveda), this medicinal herb promotes a long and healthy life for our eyes.

  1. Mix a small spoonful of wild asparagus with half a small spoonful of honey.
  2. Consume this mixture twice a day accompanied by a glass of hot milk.
  3. Continue taking the mixture for a few months (1-3 months)

9. Indian gooseberries

The gooseberries Indian is another excellent remedy to improve eyesight.

They are full of various nutrients, especially vitamin C and other antioxidants. Vitamin C promotes the health of the capillaries and helps maintain the proper functioning of the cells of the retina.

  • Mix 2-4 small tablespoons of gooseberry juice in half a glass of water. Drink the key twice a day (in the morning and in the afternoon). We can also take the mixture with honey.
  • Another option is to take the currants in a typical Indian dish called amla murabba.

(Note: Follow one of these two remedies for at least two months.)

10. Healthy diet

Eating a diet rich in vitamins A, B, C, D and E group, amino acids, beta carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin.

All these compounds promote good eye health.

The chlorophyll found in green leaf foods also improves vision.

Eat carrots, spinach, corn, beets, sweet potatoes, blueberries, broccoli, kale and other fresh green leafy vegetables. It is also very beneficial for the eyes to take fatty fish, eggs, nuts and seeds.



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